Zephrym has only twenty minutes to live before his proverbial clock stops ticking. In these twenty minutes he puts together a story composed of journal entries, letters, and recollections of his life, to be given to his unborn child. Ilia, the love of his life, and the mother of his child is in suspended animation in hopes to survive a massive power loss in the far reaches of space. Will Zephrym survive to see his child come into this world? Is there enough power in the ship to sustain Ilia's cryogenic sleep?

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I have had so many ideas for other books in addition to From Zephrym to Ilia. I have to stay focuesd though, my time is more valueable now seeing as I have so little. I just got my books for school and I didn't have to pay a single dime thanks to the United States government. Some things in this country are still working ok I guess.

Anyway my schedule has been pretty hectic, I have been trying to get the motivation to write and I know I should just set aside my distractions and ask myself this very simple question "Am I just being busy or am I being productive?" Sounds cheesey I know. I have been listening to the audiobook for "The Four Hour Work Week" by Timothy Ferriss. The overall tone of the book or message seems to be generally at least "Be an asshole and look out for yourself."

I will be posting my first few chapters and revisions soon in the epub format for everyones reading pleasure. I need more motivation to keep writing my book. If you like what you read here please let me know!



Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happenings and Happiness

Well I have unfortunately not had very much time to write lately and I suppose that is my own fault. Going back to school has presented its own unique challenges and working so much is not necessarily easy on my aspirations as a writer either. I have however decided to take a vacation in August and just work on my book for a week straight by myself and no other distractions. Until then, I am sad to say, my writing will have to take the back seat to other, more pressing matters.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A day in the life.

What motivates people to write? What inspires people to create whole worlds that is so completely different? Why do some seek to twist their current world into dark and seedy underworlds of crime and espionage, while others write stories lust and passion?

I guess it's not the question of why people write, but why they write what they write? I write sci-fi to picture a world that is so far in the future that would probably never live to see it. I do this because I believe life in no matter what era will be fundamentally the same. People would still and should still be suspicious of their government, people will always want more for themselves than their fellowman, and most of all people will still want to be loved.

Friday, April 15, 2011

More on Chapter 4

I managed to write some more for chapter 4 tonight. I decided to go with writing an outline instead of working on even more character development this time. When I started writing this chapter I was caught by something I read over on my friend Jim's blog over at http://jsickels3.blogspot.com. It was actually a reference to how Stephen King writes from his book "On Writing"
I was thinking about if I was watching a movie, how would I want this to pan out. I think I have finally gotten over the hump I was at in the chapter.
For those of you reading this chapter was a little slower at first, but should pick up speed towards the end.

I mentioned my friend Jim, Jim just recently finished his first book and you can pick it up on your kindle or nook, look for James Sickels The Seventh Horn. Check out the links below.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Progress, Progress, Progress

Well From Zephrym to Ilia is coming along, I have been procrastinating too much lately and am only about 800 words into the fourth chapter after about a month after I finished Chapter 3.
I have been finding it harder to work on the actual story rather than the characters in the story, but I think the characters deserve more work because those are ultimately the story, would you out there agree?

Anyway I started writing my book with Pages on my MacBook Pro a little more than 4 or 5 months ago and recently switched over to a new program called Scrivener by Literature and Latte. For any of those looking to write any type of literary work I would highly recommend this program and just head over to the link to see for yourself.

Excerpt from Chapter 4 : Wishes To a Distant Star

Zephrym made his way slowly but surely back to the cryo-tube that housed Ilia and her precious cargo. 
His legs gave way just as he reached out to her, falling forward his frame hugged the glass wall of the chamber.
“We had a good run, didn’t we?” Zephrym posed the question to the lifeless statue in front of him.
There was no audible response but Zephrym had heard it anyway.
“The best.”